Gerber, M.A.: Asbestosis and neoplastic disorders of the hematopoietic system. Am J Clin Pathol 53:204-208, 1970.
Gerber, M.A., Toker, C.: Primary extrauterine endometrial stromal sarcoma. Arch Pathol 89:477-480, 1970.
Gerber, M.A., Paronetto, F., Kochwa, S.: Immunohistochemical localization of IgE in asthmatic lungs. Am J Pathol 62:339--352, 1971.
Gerber, M.A., Paronetto F.: IgE in glomentli of patients with nephrotic syndrome. Lancet 1:1097-1099. 1971.
Gerber, M.A., Paronetto, F.: New patterns of immunoglobulin deposition in the lesions of malignant nephrosclerosis, with special reference to IgE. Am J Pathol 6.5:535-542, 1971.
Gerber, M.A.: Viral hepatitis in the autopsy specimen. Virch Arch A (Path Anat) 354:285-292, 1971.
Gerber, M.A., Brodin, A., Steinberg, D., Vemace, S., Yang, C., Paronetto, F.: Periarteritis nodosa, Australia Antigen and lymphatic leukemia. N Engl J Med 286:14-17, 1972.
Bennisch, B., Fayemi, A., Gerber, M.A., Axelrod, J.: Mycoplasma pneumonia in a patient with rheumatic heart disease. Am J Oin Pathol 58:343-348, 1972.
Gerber, M.A., Popper, H.: Relation between central canals and portal tracts in alcoholic hepatitis. A contribution to the pathogenesis of cirrhosis in alcoholics. Hum Pathol 3:199-207, 1972.
Gerber, M.A., Schaffner, F., Paronetto, F.: Immunoelectron microscopy of hepatitis B antigen in liver. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 140;1334-1339, 1972
Gerber, M.A., Orr, W., Denk, H., Schaffner, F., Popper, H.: Hepatocellular hyaline in cholestasis and ci1Thosis: Its diagnostic significance. Gastroenterology 64:89·98, 1973.
Paronetto, F., Gerber, M.A., Vemace, S.: Immunologic studies in patients with chronic active hepatitis and primary biliary cilThosis. 1. Cytotoxic activity and binding of sera to human liver cells grown in tissue culture. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 143:756-7(,(), 1973.
Popper, H., Gerber, M.A., Vemace, S.: Immunologic factors in liver disease. Israel] Med Sci 9:103-113, 1973.
Fayemi, A.O., Gerber, M.A., Cohen, I., Davis, S., Rubin, A.O.: Myeloid Sarcoma. Review of the literature and report of a case. Cancer 32:253-258, 1973.
Hadziyannis, S., Gerber, M.A., Vissoulis, C., Popper, H.: Cytoplasmic hepatitis B antigen in "ground-glass" hepatocytes of carriers. Arch Pathol 96:327-330, 1973.
Gerber, M.A., Paronetto, F.: Hepatitis B antigen in human tissues. In: The Llver and its Diseases. Ed. by F. Schaffner, S. Sherlock, C. Leevy. Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation. New York. 1974.
Gerber, M.A., Hadziyannis, S., Vissoulis, C., Schaffner, F., Paronetto, F., Popper, H.: Hepatitis B antigen: nature and distribution of cytoplasmic antigen in hepatocytes of carriers. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 145:865-867, 1974.
Schaffner, F., Gerber, M.A.: Hepatitis B and hepatocellular particles. Human Pathol 5:125--126, 1974.
Gerber, M.A., Hadziyannis, S., Vissoulis, C., Schaffner, F., Paronetto, F., Popper, R Electron microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy of cytoplasmic hepatitis B antigen in hepatocytes. Am J Pathol 75:489-502, 1974.
Hirschman, S.Z., Gerber, M.A., Garfinkel, E.: DNA purified from naked intranuclear particles of human liver infected with hepatitis B virus. Nature 251:540-542, 1974.
Gerber, M.A., Vemace, S. Chronic septal hepatitis. Virchow Arch A (Path Anat Histol) 365:303-309, 1974.
Hirschman, S.Z., Gerber, M.A., Garfinkel, E.: Purification of naked intranuclear particles from liver infected by hepatitis B virus. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 71:3345-3349, 1974.
Gerber, M.A. Immunohistochemical findings in the renal vascular lesions of progressive systemic sclerosis. Human Pathol 6:343-347, 1975.
Gerber, M.A., Hadziyannis, S., Vemace, S., Vissoulis, C.: Incidence and nature of cytoplasmic hepatitis B antigen in hepatocytes. Lab Invest 32:251-256, 1975.
Hirschman, S.Z., Gerber, M.A., Garfinkel, E.: Observations on the core particle of hepatitis B virus and the DNA polymerase associated with hepatitis B antigen. Am J Med Sci 270:141-149, 1975.
Popper, H., Gerber, M.A.: Klassifizierung von Leberschaeden, die auf Arzeneimittel and Chemikalien zurueckzufuehren sind. In: Toxische Leberschaeden. Edited by L. Wannagat, Georg Thieme Company, Stuttgart, 1976, pp. 87-100.
Gerber, M.A., Samo, E., Vernace, S.J.: Immune complexes in hepatocytic nuclei of HBAg positive hepatitis. New Engl J Med 294:922-925, 1976.
Popper, J., Gerber, M.A., Schaffner, F.: Pathogenesis of hepatic failure. In: Acute Hepatic Failure. Piccin Editore. Padua 1977, pp. 95-116.
Gerber, M.A., Koffler, 0., Cohen, C.J. Circulating anb'bodies in patients with ovarian carcinoma. Gynec Oncol 5:228-232, 1977.
Gerber, M.A., Faiferman, I., Cohen, C.J., Koffler, D. Studies on xenogenic antisera to tumor associated antigen of ovarian carcinoma. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 8:171-180, 1977.
Colombo, M., Gerber, M.A., Vernace, S.J., Gianotti, F., Paronetto, F.: Immune response to hepatitis B virus in children with papular acrodermatitis (PAC). Gastroenterology 73:1103- 1106, 1977.
Gerber, M.A., Zappi, T., Vernace, S.J., Paronetto, F.: Antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen in HBsAg positive and negative chronic hepatitis. J Inf Dis 135:1006-1009, 1977.
Koffler, D., Faiferman, I., Gerber, M.A: Radioimmunoassay for antibodies to cytoplasmic ribosomes in human serum. Science 198:741-743, 1977.
Churg, J., Gerber, M.A: Interpretation of renal biopsies. In: Pediatric Kidney Disease. Edited by CM. Edebnann. Little, Brown &c Company, Boston. 1978, pp. 270-290.
Hirschman, S.Z., Gerber, M.A., Garfinkel, E.: Differential activation of hepatitis B DNA polymerase by detergent and salt. J Med Virol 2:61-76, 1978.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Cardno-embryonic antigen in normal and diseased liver. Am J Pathol 92:671-680, 1978.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Ultrastructural localization of mitochondrial and ribosomal antigens by peroxidase-labeled human antibodies. Lab Invest 39:101-105, 1978.
Churg, J., Gerber, M.A.: The processing and examination of renal biopsies. Lab Med 10:591-596, 1979.
Gerber, M.A., Shapiro, J.M., Smith, H., Jr., LebwohJ, 0., Schaffner, F. Antibodies to cytoplasmic ribosomes in chronic active hepatitis. Gastroenterology 76:139-143, 1979.
Popper, H., Gerber, M.A., Schaffner, F., Selikoff, I.: Environmental hepatic injury in man. Progress in Uver Disease. Edited by H. Popper, F. Schaffner, VI: 8, 1979.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: The localization of hepatitis viruses in tissues. Int Rev Exp Pathol 20:49-76, 1979.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Caroli's disease - a rarely recognized entity. Arch Pathol Lab Med 103:650-652, 1979.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Samo, E., Popper, H.: Distribution of 5 antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma. Lab Invest 41:101-105, 1979.
Gerber, M.A.: Binding of antibody to hepatocytes: Cause or effect of chronic active hepatitis? Gastroenterology (Editorial) 77:389-390, 1979.
Gerber, M.A., Kaufman, H., I<lion, F., Alpert, L.I.: Acetaminophen associated hepatic injury- report of two cases showing unusual portal tract reaction. Human Path 11:37-42, 1980.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Enzyme patterns in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Am J Pathol 98:395-400, 1980.
Gerber, M.A., Shah, K.V., Thung, S.N., Zu Rhein, G.M.: Immunohistochemical demonstration of common antigen of polyomaviruses in routine histological tissue sections of animal and man. Am J Clin Pathol 73:794-797, 1980.
Friedman, A.H., Marchevsky, A, Odel, J.G., Gerber, M.A., Thung, SN.: Immunofluorescent studies of the eye in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Arch Ophthalmol 98:743-746, 1980.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Popper, H.: Localization of fetal antigens in relation to HBsAg in hepatocytes. In: Virus and the Liver. Edited by L. Bianchi, W. Gerok, K. Sickinger, G.A. Stalder, MTP Press Limited, Lancaster, England pp. 205-208, 1980.
Stromeyer, W.F., Ishak, I<.G., Gerber, M.A., Mathew, T.: Ground-glass cells in hepatocellular carcinoma. Am J Clin Pathol 74:254-258, 1980.
Shouval, D., Otakraborty, P.R., Ruiz, N., Baum, S.K., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Popper, H., Spigland, I., Muchmore, E., Shafritz, D.A.: Chronic hepatitis in chimpanzee carriers of hepatitis B virus. Morphologic, immunologic and viral DNA studies. Proc Natl Acad Sd USA 77:6147-6151, 1980.
Ho, K., Garands, J.C., Paegle, R.D., Gerber, M.A., Borkowski, W.J.: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and malignant lymphoma of the brain in S patients with immunosuppressive therapy. Acta Neuropathol 52:81-83, 1980.
Gerber, M.A., Lebwohl, N., Thung, S.N.: Liver-sped.fie proetin: How specific is it? Frontiers in liver Disease. Edited by P.O. Berk, T.C. Chalmers, Thieme Stratton, Inc., New York, 1981, pp. 139-143.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Hepatic oncocytes: Incidence, staining characteristics, and ultrastructural features. Am J Qin Pathol 75:498-503, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Precursor stage of hepatocellular neoplasm following long exposure to orally administered contraceptives. Human Pathol 12:472-475, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Enzyme pattern and marker antigens in nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver. Cancer 47:1796-1799, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: HBsAg-associated albumin receptors and antialbumin antibodies in sera of patients with liver disease. Gastroenterology 80:260-264, 1981.
Gerber, M.A., Garfinkel, E., Hirschman, S.Z., Thung, SN., Panagiotatos, T.: Immune and enzyme histochemical studies of a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line producing hepatitis B surface antigen. J lmmunol 126:1085-1089, 1981.
Gerber, M.D., Thung, S.N.: Pathobiology of hepatitis B virus. In: Pathobiology Annual, edited by H.L Ioachim. Raven Press, New York, 11:197-228, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber M.A.: Presence of receptors for polymeriz.ed albwnin in HBsAg- containing hepatocytes and hepatoma cell line. Hepatology 1:132-136, 1981.
Shouval, 0., Reid, L.M., Chalcraborty, P.R., Ruiz-Opazo, N., Morecld, R., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Shafritz, O.A.: Tumorigenicity in nude mice of a human hepatoma cell line containing hepatitis B virus DNA. Cancer Res 41:1342-1350, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Specificities of albumin receptors and albumin antibodies. Infect Immun 32:1292-1294, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Albumin receptors on hepatitis B virus and antibodies to albumin. Liver 1:75-80, 1981.
Lebwohl, N., Gerber, M.A.: Characterization and demonstration of human liver-specific protein (LSP) and apo-LSP. Oin Exp hnmunol 46:435-442, 1981.
Popper, H., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Pathology of alcoholic liver diseases. Seminars in Liver Disease 1:203-216, 1981.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Popper, H.: Pathology of alcoholic liver injwy. Update 1981 and problems. Revista Portuguesa de Clinica e Terapeutica 7:31-33, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Purcell, R.H., London, W.T., Mihalik, K.B., Popper, H.: Animal model of human disease: chimpanzee carriers of hepatitis B virus. Am J Pathol 105:328-332, 1981.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Bodenheimer, H.C., Jr.: Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver in a patient with diabetes mellitus. Cancer 49 546, 1982.
Popper H., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Chronic sequelae of viral hepatitis. In: Viral Hepatitis. Edited by Alter, H.J., Maynard, J.E., Szmuness, W. The Franklin Institute Press, Philadelphia, pp. 205-220, 1982.
Grishman, E., Gerber, M.A., Churg, J.: Patterns of renal injuries in systemic lupus erythematosus. Ught and immunofluorescent microscopic observations. Amer J Kidney Dis 2:135-141, 1982.
Gerber, M.A., Churg, J., Becker, E.L: Primary idiopathic glomerulonephritis. In: Clinical Immunology of the Kidney. Edited by J. Zabriskie. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982, pp. 187-214.
Christman, J.K., Gerber M.A., Price, P.M., Flordellis, C, Edelman, J., Acs, G.: Amplification of expression of hepatitis B surface antigen in 31'3 cells cotransfected with a dominant acting gene and cloned viral DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 79:1815-1819, 1982.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: The formation of elastic fibers in livers with massive hepatic necrosis. Arch Path Lab Med 106:468-469, 1982.
Popper, H., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: The relation of hepatocellular carcinoma to infection with hepatitis Band related viruses in man and animal. Hepatology 2:ls-9s, 1982.
Aoki, N., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Ultrastructural analysis of hepatitis B surface antigen production in vitro. Lab Invest 47:465-470, 1982.
Kirschner, E., Chalmers, T.C., Popper, H., Gerber, M.A., Stenger, R.J., Goldberg, J.D., Sacks, H.: Observer error in biopsy interpretations and outcome in chronic hepatitis. Mount Sinai J Med 49:472-474, 1982.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Popper, H.: Viral hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In: Viral Hepatitis. Edited by F. Deinhardt and J. Deinhardt. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1983, pp. 327-341.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Chen, M-L, Schnelle, V.: Cell membrane glycoproteins of hepatocytes. In; Structural Carbohydrates in the Liver. MTP Press, Ltd., Lancaster, England, pp. 313-317, 1983.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Chen, M-L: Comparative studies of host and viral antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines. In: Viral Hepatitis. Edited by L. Overby and F. and J. Deinhardt. Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 101-104, 1983.
Price, P., Ostrove, S., Flordellis, C., Sells, M-A., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Christman, J., Acs, G.: Characterization of RNA transcripts and virally coded proteins synthesized in mouse fibroblasts transfected with hepatitis B DNA: HBeAg synthesis in HBcAg-negative cells with active core-antigen genes. Biosd Reports 3, 1017-1026, 1983.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Shen, S., Stromeyer, F.W., Ishak, K.G.: Phenotypic characterization of hepatic proliferation. Am J Pathol 110:70-74, 1983.
Stremmel, W., Gerber, M.A., Glezerov, V., Thung, S.N., I<ochwa, S., Berk, P.O.: Physicochemical and immunohistological studies of a sulfobromophthalein and bilirubin binding protein from rat liver plasma membranes. J Oin Invest 71:1796-1805, 1983.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: The role of albumin binding in hepatitis B virus infection. In: Viral Hepatitis. Edited by L. Overby and F. and J. Deinhardt. Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 35-38, 1983.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Morphologic visualization of hepatocytic glycoproteins. In: Structural Carbohydrates in the liver. MTP Press Ltd., Lancaster, England, pp. 485489, 1983.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: lmmunohistochemical study of Delta antigen in an American metropolitan population. Liver 3:392-397, 1983.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Popper, H.: Basic morphologic patterns of viral hepatitis A, B, NANB and Delta agent in animal and man. In: Advances in Hepatitis Research. Edited by Chisari F.V. Masson Publishing USA, Inc., New York, pp. 293-302, 1983.
Thung, SN., Gerber, M.A.: Hepatitis B virus and polyalbwnin binding sites. Gastroenterology 83:466-468, 1983.
Popper, H., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M. A, Hadler, S.C., de Monzon, M., Ponzetto, A., Anzola, E., Rivera, D., Mondolfi, A., Bracho, A., Frances D.P., Gerin, J.L, Maynard, J.E., Purcell, R.H.: Histologic studies of severe Delta infection in Venezuelan Indians. Hepatology 3:906-912, 1983.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Albumin binding sites of human hepatocytes. Liver 3:290-294, 1983.
Acs, G., Ostrove, S., Flordellis, C., Price, P., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Chen, M-L., Christman, J.: Differential expression of hepatitis B virus antigens in 3T3 cells transformed by a dominant acting gene and cloned HBV DNA. In: Viral Hepatitis. Edited by L Overby and F. and J. Deinhardt. Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 105-108, 1983.
Perlow, LS., Taff, M.L., Orsini, J.M., Goldsmith, M.A., Hruza, Z.T., Gerber, M.A., Geller, S.A.: Kaposi's sarcoma in a young homosexual man. Arch Pathol Lab Med 107:510-513, 1983.
Hadler, S.C., Popper, H., Purcell, R.H., Ponzetto, A., Gerber, M.A., Thung, SN., de Monzon, M., Rivera, D., Bracho, A., Anzola, E., Mondolfi, A., Ishak, K.G.: Morphologic evolution of frequently fatal Delta agent infection in Venezuelan Indians. In: Viral Hepatitis and Delta Infection, pp. 177-179, 1983.
Aoki, N., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Chen, M-L, Cuisbnan, J.K., Price, P.M., Flordellis, C.S., Acs, G.: Ultrastructural studies of fibroblasts transfected with hepatitis B virus DNA. Hepatology 4:84-89, 1984.
Gerber, M.A., Popper, H.: Morphologische Diagnostic der Leberkrankheiten. In; Kinische Gastroenterologie. Edited by L. Demling. G. Thieme, Stuttgart, pp. 23--48, 1984.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Viral hepatitis: Pathology. In: Bockus Gastroenterology. Vol. V. The Uver, 4th Ed. Edited by Berk, J.E., Haubrich, W.S., Kaiser, M.H., Roth, J.L.A., Schaffner, F. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, 1984, pp. 2825-2855.
Hadler, S.C., de Monzon, M., Ponsetto, A., Anzola, E., Rivero, D., Mondolfi, A., Bracho, A., Francis, D.P., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Gerln, J., Maynard, J.E., Popper, H., Purcell, R.: An epidemic of severe hepatitis due to Delta agent infection in Yucpa Indians in Venezuela. Ann Int Med 100-.339-344, 1984.
Chen, M-L., Gerber, M.A., Thung S.N., Thornton, J.C., Chung, W.K.: Morphometric study of hepatocytes containing hepatitis B surface antigen. Amer J Path 114:217-221, 1984.
Davies, T.F., Weiss, I., Gerber, M.A.: Influence of methimazole on murine thryoiditis: evidence for immunosuppression in vivo. JOin Invest 73:397-404, 1984.
Paterniti, J.R.,Jr., France, D.S., Martinelli, G., Goldberg, I.J., Gerber, M.A., Brown, W.V.: Immunochemical localization of human hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL) using a monoclonal antibody. American Heart Association's 57th Scientific Sessions, November 12-15, 1984, Miami Beach, FL (abstract).
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Polyalbumin receptors: Their role in the attachment of hepatitis B virus to hepatocytes. Seminars in Liver Disease 4:69-75, 1984.
Gerber, M.A., Guest Editor: Immunology of Liver Disease. Forward. Seminars in Liver Disease 4:69-75, 1984.
Fukusato, T., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Radioimmunometric assay for hepatitis B surface antigen on the surface of infected cells. J Immunol Meth 75:325-332, 1984.
Wasserman W.G., Grishman, E., Goldstein, M.H., Gerber, M.A.: Recurrent nephropathy associated with heroin use. Mount Sinai J Med 52:375-377, 1985.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Mowshowitz, S.L, Mead, J.R., Gilja, B.I(.: Modulation of HBsAg expression by interferon in vitro. In: Hepatology. A Festschrift for Hans Popper. Edited by H. Brunner and H. Thaler. Raven Pres.,, New York, pp. 125-128, 1985.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Chen, M-L., Tabibzadeh, S., Mead, J.R., Price, P.M., Sells, M.A.: Hepatitis B virus markers in transfected hepatic cells. In: Hepatology. A Festchrift for Hans Popper. Edited by H. Brunner and H. Thaler. Raven Press, New York, pp. 129-132, 1985.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Klion, F., Gilbert, H.: Massive hepatic necrosis following withdrawal of chemotherapy in a hepatitis B virus carrier with diffuse nodular transformation of liver. Arch Intern Med 145:1313--1314, 1985.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Biology of Disease: Molecular and cellular pathology of hepatitis B. Lab Invest 52:572-590, 1985.
Gilja, B.K., I<asambalides, E.J., Bressler, R.S., Thung S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Secretion of polyalbumin receptors in vitro. J Med Virol 15:335-341, 1985.
Tabibzadeh, S.S., Gerber, M.A.: Applicability of imprints to immunoultrastructural studies of lymphoid tissues. J Histochem Cytochem 33:884-890, 1985.
Kasambalides, E.J., Gilja, B.K., Gerber, M.A.: Effects of glycosylation inhibitors on the expression of polyalbumin receptors by HBsAg produced in vitro. J Gen Virol 66:2443-2451, 1985.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Bodenheimer, H.C., Jr., I<, B., Schaffner, F.: Characteristic histologic triad in liver adjacent to metastatic neoplasm. Liver 6:85-88, 1986.
Tabibzadeh, SS., Bettica, A-M., Gerber M.A.: Variable expression of la antigens in human endometrium and in chronic endometritis. Am J Oin Path 86:153-160, 1986.
Fukusato, T., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Ferrone, S., Schaffner, F.: Expression of lil.A Class I antigens on hepatocytes in liver disease. Amer J Path 123:264-270, 1986.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Hepatitis B virus and polyalbumin receptors. Progress in Liver Diseases. Edited by H. Popper, F. Schaffner, VIII:335-345, 1986.
Tabibzadeh, S.S., Gerber, M.A.: Immunohistologic analysis of lymphoid cells by a rapid double staining method. J Immunol Meth 91:169-174, 1986.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Lebovics, E., Reichman, S.: Granulomatous hepatitis in Q fever. Mount Sinai J Med 53:283-285, 1986.
Buitrago, B., Hadler, S.C., Popper, H., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Purcell, R.H., Maynard, J.E.: Epidemiologic aspects of Santa Marta hepatitis over a 40-year period. Hepatology 6:1292-1296, 1986.
Gilja, B.K., Keh, W.C., Kasambalides, E.J., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Correlation of polyalbumin receptors with hepatitis B surface antigen polypeptides in human sera. Arch Path Lab Med 110:1021-1024, 1986.
Tabibzadeh, S.S., Gerber, M.A., Satyaswaroop, P.G.: Induction of HLA-DR antigen expression in human endometrial epithelial cells in vitro by recombinant interferon-gamma. Amer J Path 125:90-96, 1986.
Gerber, M.A.: lmmunopathology of chronic hepatitis. In: Pathogenesis of Liver Diseases: IAP Monograph No. 28. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. Chapter 4, 54-64, 1986.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Kasambalides, E.J., Gilja, B.K., Keh, W., Gerlich, W.H.: Demonstration of pre-5 polypeptides of hepatitis B virus in infected livers. Hepatology 6:1315-1318, 1986.
Ferrone, S., Fukusato, T., Gerber, M.A., Pullano, T.G., Ruiter, O.J., Thung, S.N., van den Ingh, H.F.: Oass I and Oass II HLA antigens in colorectal and liver carcinomas. GANN 31:75-83, 1986.
Buitrago, B., Popper, H., Hadler, S.C., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Purcell, R.H., Maynard, J.E.: Specific histologic features of Santa Marta hepatitis: a severe form of hepatitis delta virus infection in Northern South America. Hepatology 6:1285-1291, 1986.
Popper, H., Buitrago, B., Hadler, S.C., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Purcell, R.H., Maynard, J.E.: Pathology of hepatitis delta infection in the Amazon Basin. In: Hepatitis Delta Virus and its Infection, Vol. 234. Edited by M. Rizzetto, J.L Gerin, R.H. Purcell. Alan R. Llss, Inc., New York, pp. 121-129, 1986.
Gerber, M.A.: Ground ss hepatocytes: A spectrum of inclusions. (Editorial) Hepatology 6:1430-1431, 1986.
Gerber, M.A.: Recent studies on the developing human hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Surveys 5:741-763, 1986.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: The Hans Popper Symposium on Hepatitis: clinical cases, pathology and recent advances. News and Comments. In: Gastroenterohepatol Arh 6:131-132, 1987.
Shah, K.D., Tabibzadeh, S.S., Gerber, M.A.: Comparison of cytokeratin expression in primary and metastatic carcinomas. Amer J Oin Pathol 87:708-715, 1987.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: The diagnostic value of immunohistochemical demonstration of hepatitis viral antigens in the liver. Hum Path 18:m-774, 1987.
Tabibzadeh, S.S., Mortillo, S., Gerber, M.A.: Immunoultrastructural localization of Ia antigens in human endometrium. Arch Path Lab Med 111:32-37, 1987.
Lefkowitch, J.H., Goldstein, H., Yatto, R., Gerber, M.A.: Cytopathic liver injury in acute delta virus hepatitis. Gastroenterology 92:1262-1266, 1987.
Sells, M.A., Zelent, A.Z.., Shvartsman, M., Price, P.M., Chen, M-L., Gerber, M.A., Acs., G.: Replicative intennediates of hepatitis B virus in transfected murlne fibroblasts. J Virol 1987.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Histology of the liver. Amer J Surg Path 11:709-722, 1987.
Sieratzki, J., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Ferrone, S., Schaffner, F.: Major histocompatibility antigen expression in the liver in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Path Lab Med 111:1045-1049, 1987.
Shah, K.D., Beder A.R., Jhaveri, M.I<., Keohane, M., Weinberg, B., Gerber, M.A.: Infantile hemangioendothelioma of heterotopic intrathoracic liver associated with diaphragmatic hernia. Hum Path 18:754-756, 1987.
Chen, M-L., Hood, A., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Molecular studies of fibroblasts transfected with hepatitis B virus DNA. In: Hepadna Viruses. Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 70:91-103, 1987.
Shah, K.D., Tabibzadeh S.S., Gerber, M.A.: Immunohistochemical distinction of Paget's disease from Bowen's disease and superficial spreading melanoma with the use of monoclonal cytokeratin antibodies. Arner J Qin Path 88:689-695, 1987.
Thung, S.N., Schaffner, F., Gerber, M.A.: Expression of HLA antigens on hepatocytes in liver disease. Transplant Proc XX (Suppl 1):722-723, 1988.
Ferrone, S., Sakaguchi, K., Bhalla, R.B., Schwartz, M.K., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A.: Abnormal tissue disbibution of HLA antigens in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In: Proc for the 2nd Int Congress on AIDS. Edited by Del Giacco, G.S. and Marconi, P.E. OIC Med Press, Firenze, Italy, pp. 52-56, 1988.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A, Benkov, K.J., Guttenberg, M., Gordon, R.E.: Chronic active hepatitis in a child with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Arch Path Lab Med 112:914-916, 1988.
Gerber, M.A., Sells, M.A, Chen, M-L., Thung, S.N., Tabibzadeh, SS., Hood, A, Acs, G.: Studies of the morphologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural production of hepatitis B virus in vitro. Lab Invest 59:173-180, 1988.
Keh, W.C., Gerber, M.A.: In situ hybridization for cytomegalovirus DNA in AIDS patients. Amer J Path 131:490-496, 1988.
Gerber, M.A: Pathology and immunopathology of acute and chronic hepatitis B. J Klinik 1:52-57, 1988.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Obituary: Hans Popper, M.D., Ph.D. Amer J Path 133:13- 14,1988.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N., Popper, H.: Morphology of hepadna virus induced hepatocellular carcinoma in animals. In: Liver Cell Carcinoma. Edited by P. Bannasch, D. Keppler, and G. Weber. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, pp. 31-36, 1989.
Gerber, M.A, Thung, S.N.: The pre-S2 region of hepatitis B virus. More questions than answers (Editorial). Hepatology 9:328-330, 1989.
Thung, S.N., Wang, D-F., Fasy, T.M., Hood, A., Gerber, M.A: Hepatitis B surface antigen binds to human serum albumin cross-linked by transglutaminase. Hepatology 9:726-730, 1989.
Gerber, M.A.: Pathology and immunopathology of acute and chronic hepatitis B. In: Current Perspectives in Hepatology. Edited by LB. Seeff and J. H. Lewis. Plenum Medical Book Company, New York, pp. 35-46, 1989.
Gerber, M.A: Pathology and immunopathology of acute and chronic hepatitis D. In: Current Perspectives in Hepatology. Edited by L. B. Seeff and J. H. Lewis. Plenum Medical Book Company, New York, pp. 63-69, 1989.
Dienes, H.P, Gerber, M.A.: Morphologie und pathomorphologie. In: Hepatologie in Klinik und Praxis. Edited by K.-H. Meyer zum Buschenfelde. George Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, pp. 1·31, 1989.
Lai, Y-S., Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Chen, M-L., Schaffner, F.: Expression of cytokeratins in normal and diseased livers and in primary liver carcinomas. Arch Pathol Lab Med 113:134-138, 1989.
Shah, K.D., Gerber, M.A.: Development of intrahepatic bile ducts in man: immunohistochemical study using monoclonal cytokeratin antibodies. Arch Pathol Lab Med 113: 1135-1138, 1989.
Thung, S.N., Gerber M.A., and Popper H.: Histopathology and ultrastructural features of acute hepatitis. In: Modern Concepts of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis. Edited by G. Gitnick. Plenum Medical Book Company, New York, pp. 19-34, 1989.
Thung, S.N., Gerber, M.A., Popper, H.: Chronic hepatitis: histopathology. In: Modem Concepts of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis. Edited by G. Gitnick. Plenum Medical Book Company, New York, pp. 247-257, 1989.
Thung, S. N., Gerber, M.A.: Immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of hepatocellular caidnoma. In: Uver Cell Carcinoma. Edited by P. Bannasch, D. Keppler, and G. Weber. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham, MA, pp. 25-30, 1989.
Malter, J.S. and Gerber, M.A.: Regulation of hepatocyte gene expression: progress on the horizon. Hepatology 10:1017-1018, 1989.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Morphologic features of hepatitis B virus production in vitro. In: Progress in Llver Diseases IX. Edited by Hans Popper and Fenton Schaffner. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp. 391-404, 1990.
Job, C. K., Drain, V., Deming, A.T., Hastings, R.C. and Gerber, M.A.: The role of S-100 protein as a marker for Schwann cells in the diagnosis of tuberculoid leprosy. Int J Leprosy 58:392-393, 1990.
Gerber, M.A.: Pathology of acute and chronic viral hepatitis. In: Oxford Textbook of Oinical Hepatology. Edited by I. M. Butcher. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 530-537, 1991.
Shah, K. D. and Gerber, M. A.: Development of intrahepatic bile ducts in human: possible role of laminin. Arch Path Lab Med 114:597 ,1990.
Geller, S. A. and Gerber, M.A.: Guidelines for high risk autopsy cases. In: Autopsy Performance and Reporting. Edited by G. M. Hutchins. College of American Pathologists, Northfield, IL, pp. 60-66, 1990.
Hoda, S.A. and Gerber, M.A.: The value of the autopsy for the 1990s. Hum Pathol 21:980-981, 1990.
Seeff, L B., Ishak, K. G. and Gerber, M. A.: Unresolved clinical issues, histopathologic and immunopathologic aspects of chronic hepatitis B and C. In: Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases. Edited by F. Blaine Hollinger, Stanley M. Lemon, and Harold S. Margolis. Williams &: Wilkins, Baltimore, pp. 805-813, 1991.
Lampertico, P., Malter, J. S., Colombo, M. and Gerber, M. A.: Detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded liver tissue by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Am J Path 137:253-258, 1990.
Edelman, C M., Jr., Churg, J., Gerber, M. A., Travis, L. B.: Renal biopsy: Indications, technique, and interpretation. In: Pediatric Kidney Disease, 2nd Edition. Edited by C.M. Edelman, Jr. Llttle, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, pp. 499-527, 1992.
Thung, S. N. and Gerber, M.A.: Benign and malignant neoplasms of the liver. In: Diseases of the Liver and Biliary Tract. Edited by G. L. Gitnick. Mosby Year Book Publishers, St. Louis, MO, pp. 389-403, 1992.
Lampertico, P., Malter, J.S., and Gerber, M.A.: Development and application of an in vitro model for screening anti-hepatitis B virus therapeutics. Hepatology 13:422-426, 1991.
Thung, S.N. and Gerber, M.A.: The development of malignancy in benign tumors of the liver. In: Advances in Applied Biotechnology Series: Etiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in North America. Edited by E. Tabor, A.M. DiBisceglie, R.H. Purcell. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX, pp. 209-215, 1991.
Dienes, H.P., Autschbach, F., Gerber, M.A.: Ultrastructural lesions in autoimmune hepatitis and pathways of the immune response in liver tissue. In: Seminars in Uver Disease. Edited by K-H Meyer zum Buschenfelde. Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2(3):197- 204, 1991.
Malter, J.S. and Gerber, M.A.: The polymerase chain reaction for hepatitis B virus DNA. Hepatology 13:188-190, 1991.
Thung, S.N. and Gerber, M.A.: The liver. In: Histology for Pathologists. Edited by S.S. Sternberg. Raven Press, New Yor NY, pp 625-638, 1991.
Gerber, M.A.: Modulation of expression of hepatitis B virus in vitro. In: Excerpta Medica International Congress Series. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 3-6, 1991.
Thung, S.N. and Gerber, M.A.: Histopathology of liver transplantation. In: Guide to Uver Transplantation. Edited by T.L. Fabry, F.M. Klion, Igaku-Shoin, New York, NY, pp. 265-298, 1992.
Hoda, S.A., White, J.E., Gerber, M.A.: Immunohistochemical studies of human immunodeficiency virus-1 in liver tissues of patients with AIDS. Mod Pathol 4:578-582, 1991.
Chen, M-L., Shieh YS.C., Shim, K-S., Gerber, M.A.: Comparative studies on the detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in frozen and paraffin sections by the polymerase chain reaction. Mod Pathol 4:555-558, 1991.
Sitton J.E., Harkin J.C., Gerber, M.A.: Intracranial inflammatory pseudotumor. Clin Neuropathol 11(1):36-40, 1992.
Gerber, M.A., Oten, M-L., Hu, F-S., Baskin, G.B., Petrovich, L.: Uver disease in Rhesus monkeys infected with Simian immunodeficiency syndrome. Am J Pathol 139(5):1081-1088, 1991.
Gerber, M.A. and Thung, S.N.: Cell lineage studies in human liver regeneration, proliferation and transformation. In: The Role of Cell Types in Hepatocarcinogenesis. Edited by A. E. Sirica, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp. 209-226, 1992.
Gerber, M.A. and Thung, S.N.: Dr. Popper as educator. In: Hans Popper: A Tribute. Edited by P. D. Berk, F. Schaffner, R. Schmid, Raven Press, New York, NY, pp.60-63, 1991.
Thung, S.N. and Gerber, M.A.: Histologic features of liver allograft rejection: Do you see what I see? Hepatology 14(5): 949-951, 1991.
Shieh, Y.S.C., Shim, K-S., Lampertico, P., Balart, L.A., Jeffers, L.J., Thung, S.N., Regenstein, F., Reddy, K.R., Farr, G., Schiff, E.R., Gerber, M.A.: Detection of hepatitis C virus sequences in liver tissue by the polymerase chain reaction. Lab Inv 65:408-411, 1991.
Gerber, M.A.: Ouonic hepatitis C: The beginning of the end of a time-honored nomenclature? Hepatology 15 (4):722-734, 1992.
Gerber, M.A., Krawczynski, I<., Alter, M.J., Sampliner, R.E., Margolis, HS., Sentinel Counties Chronic non-A,non-B Hepatitis Study Team: Histopathology of community acquired chronic hepatitis C. Mod Pathol 5(5):483-486, 1992.
Akyol, G, Dash, S, Shieh, C. Y-S, Malter, JS., Gerber, M.A.: Detection of hepatitis C virus sequences by polymerase chain reaction in fixed liver tissue. Mod Pathol 5(5):501-504, 1992.
Gerber, MA, Shieh, Y-S C, Shim, K-S, Thung, SN, Demetris, AJ, Schwartz, M, Akyol, G, Dash, S: Detection of replicative hepatitis C virus sequences in hepatocellular carcinoma. AmJ Path 141:1271-1277, 1992.
Alter, M.J., Margolis, HS., Krawczynski, I<., Judson, F.N., Mares, A., Alexander, W.J., Hu, P.Y., Miller, J.K., Gerber, M.A., Sampliner, E., Meeks, E.L., Beach, M.J., for the Sentinel Counties Chronic Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis Study Team: The natural history of community acquired- hepatitis C in the United States. New Engl J Med 327(27):1899-1905, 1992.
Balart, L.A., Perrillo, R, Roddenberry, J., Regenstein F., Shim, K-S, Shieh, Y-S C., Taylor, B., Dash, S., Gerber, M.A.: Detection of hepatitis C viral RNA in liver of patients with chronic hepatitis C before and after treatment with alpha-interferon. Gastroenterology 104:1472-1477, 1993.
Gouw, A.S.H., Haagsma, E.B., Manns, M., Klompmaker, I.J., Slooff, M.J.H., Gerber, M.A.: Is there recurrence of primary biliary cirrhosis after liver transplantation? (submitted for publication)
Thung, S.N., Shim, K-S, Shieh, Y-S C., Schwartz, M., Theise, N., Bordch, A., Katz, E., Miller, C., Gerber, M.A.: Hepatitis C in liver allografts. Arch Path Lab Med 117:145-149, 1993.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Liver stem cells and development (Editorial). Lab Invest 68:253-254,1993.
Chu, H-W, Dash, S., Gerber, M.A.: Genomic and replicative hepatitis C virus RNA sequences and histologic activity in chronic hepatitis C. Human Pathology 25(2):160-163, 1994.
Lok, A. S-F, Gerber, M.D.: CPC: A young woman with chronic hepatitis. Hepatology 17(4):739-745, 1993.
Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: Immunopathology of hepatitis C. In: Immunology and Liver: Proceedings of Falk Symposium No. 70, Edited by K.•H. Meyer zum Buschenfelde, J.H. Hoofnagle, M. Manns, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 96-101, 1993.
Oanque, P.O.V., Bach, N., Schaffner, F., Gerber, M.A., Thung, S.N.: HI.A-DR Expression in bile duct damage in hepatitis C. Mod Path 6(3):327-332,1993.
Gerber, M.A.: Relation of hepatitis C virus to hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatology 17 (Suppl.3):S108-Sl11, 1993.
Fong, T-S., DiBisceglie, A.M., Gerber, M.A., Waggoner, J.G., Hoffnagle, J.H.: Persistence of hepatitis B virus DNA in the liver after loss of hepatitis B surface antigen in chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology (in press).
Johnson, P.J., Mcfarlane, I.G., Gerber, M.A. and members of panel: Meeting report: International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group. Hepatology 18(4): 998-1005, 1993.
Sullivan, D.E., Gerber, M.A.: Conservation of hepatitis C virus sequences in hepatocellular carcinoma and the surrounding liver. Hepatology (in press).
Gerber, M.A.: Pathology of hepatitis C Proceedings of the FEMS Symposi 1993 (in press).
Hanina, Y., Hayashi, N., Kamada, T., Hytiroglou, P., Thung, SN., Gerber, M.A.: Expression of hepatitis C virus in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer 73:2253-2258, 1994.
Wu, J., Sullivan, D.E., Gerber, M.A.: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction for hepatitis B virus DNA (in press).